Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Posing Strap: Vintage Muscle Men Video

Really enjoyed this video tribute to the posing strap. Great vintage photos and the Pet Shop Boys "Go West" soundtrack. Did you know that Bob Mizer's mother made the posing straps for his models? Five minutes of posing strap trivia and fun for the whole family.

This one's pretty cool too, "Sequence #31 in The Masculine Physique Series," looks like 1952. No soundtrack but it's more than a collection of still photos. Two very sexy guys strolling and posing in the dunes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Down-Low Brothers Bolt Your Closet Doors…The Holy Grail For Women Of Color is HOT!

Nearly one month ago, AdC Publishing released a reference guide for women of color, which has proven to be a monumental hit with women of the African- American and Latina communities- a #1 Bestseller nor doubt!

Aurora della Croix’s The Gullible Girl’s Guide to Gagging the Down- Low Brother! Is indeed a mouth full; however, coupled with this alliterated mammoth title, comes an eye and ear full of valuable information for women.

Engaging…Brilliantly written... and impressive and easy read, this raw … witty … sexy … and sometimes erotic tour de force is the first volume of a double volume set, and has been coined the Holy Grail for women of color who desire to increase their knowledge about the down-low brother (DLB).

Della Croix embraces the reader on a one-on-one lever, leads her/him on a lyrical journey through time and back. Along the way, della Croix tackles labels, as the book candidly dispels some of the myths about men.. straight, gay, and down-low. Combining various ingredients such as self-help mantras, psychological and historical facts, anecdotes, fantasy, and profiles; sprinkled with an abundance of humor, this recipe ensures the reader is well-seasoned and empowered for entry into the sweltering, and abysmal black-hole known as the DLB psyche! A successful journey through the first volume arms the reader with the necessary basic tools and knowledge to defend herself against the chicanery of her current or future DLB partner.

Sales of this Holy Grail for women of color have not diminished since the announcement of its release less than one month ago. Newspapers, popular magazines, journalists, book clubs, and the like have been vying for the attention of the author to sit for an interview and/ or speak to specific groups about the DLB phenomenon. Antoine B. Craigwell, an award-winning freelance journalist for, was the first to snag and corner this brilliant and talented author for a one-on-one interview. The article “ For Women, Recognizing and Developing Tools: When Your Man is a DLB”, will be released in the upcoming weeks.

A CD audio version of the book is in the works, and della Croix is expected to begin nation wide book signing tours in mid-April 2009. Tour information can be found at A copy of the blockbusting book can be purchased for $8.95 via the web at or at .